[국내논문] 도시재생에 관한 연구동향 분석 연구

구분 : 논문  |  저자 : 김영주, 김미정

성과코드 2-양-A-6-1-1 연구기관 경희대학교
성과명 도시재생에 관한 연구동향 분석 연구 버전
성과형식 연구기관 연락처 mijeongkim@hanyang.ac.kr
다운로드 링크
URL 연결
성과구성 Abstract
Due to economic growth and rapid urbanization in Korea, buildings have been continuously increasing to accommodate many people. However, in recent years, with the housing penetration rate exceeding 100%, urban growth has begun to decline due to the deteriorating urban infrastructure and the declining population. As these decadent cities become old and aged, various studies such as identification of the current status of cities, analysis of causes and ways of activation are being carried out. The purpose of this study is to grasp the research trends of papers related to urban regeneration and to draw out urban renewal research issues that should be dealt with in the future based on this trend. Researches on urban regeneration have been divided into urban, village, unutilized space, unutilized land, and others. The keywords derived from the research themes for the papers published in 10 years from 2009 to 2018 were analyzed. The contents classification was largely in terms of space - utilization plan, business (operation), and other (housing technology). The research trends derived from this study can be summarized as three kinds of utilization strategies, problems and strategies of unutilized space. Research on the utilization of idle industrial facilities has been actively conducted, but research on the specific utilization of idle space in villages has been lacking. Cultural, artistic, public and community programs were applied to most of the unutilized space. and the active programs were applied to the lower space of the overpass. Problems related to the activation of unutilized space include lack of analyses of people’s preference and surrounding environment, limited space size and users, and limited continuous operation. Therefore, it is necessary to strategically propose a suitable program for each environment of the urban and suburban unutilized spaces, and to present it effectively through detailed drawings and perspective diagrams.
사용주체 사용단계

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