[국내논문] BF 인증등급 향상을 위한 BIM 기반 혼합현실 적용 방안

구분 : 논문  |  저자 : 김예담, 추승연, 서지효, 김태훈

성과코드 2-양-G-1-3-2 연구기관 경북대학교
성과명 BF 인증등급 향상을 위한 BIM 기반 혼합현실 적용 방안 버전
성과형식 연구기관 연락처 choo@knu.ac.kr
다운로드 링크
URL 연결
성과구성 Abstract
The government has implemented the BF certification system since 2008 to improve the quality of life and health. For the BF certification, the person who wants to certify must submit their own evaluation report, 2D drawings and on-site photographs to the responsible agency. After that, certification is conducted through the examination of the certification judging panel and the certification examination committee. The certification organization evaluates the evaluation by the self-evaluation, 2D drawing, and on-site inspection. The site inspection can be confirmed the construction has been completed. Therefore, it is necessary to make a design change or rework only for the BF certification at the time of completion or completion. Therefore, in this study, we proposed a method to evaluate the BF certification level in advance from the design phase of the building in order to prevent the design change and re - construction due to the BF certification system and to improve the time and economic efficiency. As a result, the BIM model was visualized as a mixed reality device, and the presence of the BF element, the installation location, and the appropriateness of the installation were confirmed.

Barrier free certification, BIM, Hololens, Mixed reality
사용주체 사용단계

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