[해외논문 SCIE] Acceptance Model for Mobile Building Information Modeling(BIM)

구분 : 논문  |  저자 : Sim-Hee Hong, Seul-Ki Lee, In-Han Kim, Jung-Ho Yu

성과코드 2-양-E-1-2-1 연구기관 광운대학교
성과명 Acceptance Model for Mobile Building Information Modeling(BIM) 버전
성과형식 연구기관 연락처 myazure@kw.ac.kr
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성과구성 Abstract
Mobile Building Information Modeling (BIM) is noted for tools that enable the systematic interchange of information and contribute to enhancing collaborative performance through BIM. BIM programs, which are continuously available in the mobile environment, have been developed. Moreover, in some sites, mobile BIM is applied to generate benefits in projects. Various efforts are being made to use mobile BIM; however, its utilization is low. Also, mobile BIM has lacked an analysis of the factors that affect actual users’ acceptance of mobile BIM. Therefore, this study analyzes the factors that affect the acceptance of mobile BIM by construction practitioners and presents the association of factors as a model to activate mobile BIM use. To this end, this study analyzed a literature review for suggesting the factors that were expected to affect mobile BIM acceptance. The assessment items were decided based on the analysis result. Second, 111 copies were received by surveying the construction practitioners. Third, it identified factors that significantly affected the acceptance of mobile BIM and proposed models through factor analysis and structural equation models. Finally, based on the analysis, it presented the findings. This study expects to contribute to enhanced acceptance of mobile BIM technology by managing the significant factors properly. Also, it is expected that the result can be used to develop a variety of mobile BIM that is more easily acceptable to them. This study presented a model for accepting mobile BIM based on the survey results of Korean practitioners; therefore, it is necessary to explore ways to generalize the model in the future.
사용주체 사용단계

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