[국내논문] 증강현실 기반의 O&M 환경 개선을 위한 배관 모델 정합에 관한 연구

구분 : 논문  |  저자 : 이원혁, 이경호, 이재준, 남병욱

성과코드 2-양-A-10-3-2 연구기관 인하대학교
성과명 증강현실 기반의 O&M 환경 개선을 위한 배관 모델 정합에 관한 연구 버전
성과형식 연구기관 연락처 kyungho@inha.ac.kr
다운로드 링크
URL 연결
성과구성 Abstract
As the shipbuilding and offshore plant industries grow larger and more complex, their maintenance and inspection systems become more important. Recently, maintenance and inspection systems based on augmented reality have been attracting much attention for improving worker's understanding of work and efficiency, but it is often difficult to work with because accurate matching between the augmented model and reality information is not. To solve this problem, marker based AR technology is used to attach a specific image to the model. However, the markers get damaged due to the characteristic of the shipbuilding and offshore plant industry, and the camera needs to be able to detect the entire marker clearly, and thus requires sufficient space to exist between the operator. In order to overcome the limitations of the existing AR system, in this study, a markerless AR was adopted to accurately recognize the actual model of the pipe system that occupies the most processes in the shipbuilding and offshore plant industries. The matching methodology. Through this system, it is expected that the twist phenomenon of the augmented model according to the attitude of the real worker and the limited environment can be improved.

Keywords :O&M,marker; markerless, augmented reality, depth camera, point cloud, RGB, HSV, KNN
사용주체 사용단계

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