[국내논문] ICBM기반 실내 공간 유지관리 시스템 개발

구분 : 논문  |  저자 : 정유석, 강태욱

성과코드 3-양-A-1-1-2 연구기관 한국건설기술연구원
성과명 ICBM기반 실내 공간 유지관리 시스템 개발 버전
성과형식 연구기관 연락처 laputa99999@gmail.com
다운로드 링크
URL 연결
성과구성 Abstract
An open office or a shared office is emerging as the emphasis on the collaborative and communicative work environments is increasing. In the past, the user maintained the space, but the maintenance of indoor space became difficult because there is no fixed user. Indoor space information can be collected using the ICBM framework system. The facility management can achieve this with data. Therefore, this study proposed a framework based on ICBM (Internet of Things, Cloud, Big Data, and Mobile) for verifying the possibility of a smart facility management system for indoor space. IoT (Internet of Things) technology was used to measure the indoor temperature, humidity, occupancy, and brightness continuously, and provided the data to Web API via WiFi. Data acquired automatically via IoT, existing maintenance data, and spatial information were integrated through the Cloud. Big data collected by sensors were processed as meaningful spatial information for maintenance. Indoor space information and maintenance information can be delivered to the manager through the mobile. Based on the collected data, room occupancy recognition is limited due to a range of ultrasonic wave sensors. On the other hand, brightness represents the space conditions. The difference between lighting on/off, weekday and weekend can be shown. The temperature data and the relative humidity data were collected steadily to evaluate the comfort.
Keywords : Indoor Space FM, IoT Device, Web API, ICBM Framework, Open Office
사용주체 사용단계

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