[해외논문 SCIE] Residents’ Perception of and Response Behaviors to Particulate Matter-A Case Study of Seoul in Korea

구분 : 논문  |  저자 : Myung Eun Cho, Mi Jeong Kim

성과코드 2-양-A-1-1-2 연구기관 경희대학교
성과명 Residents’ Perception of and Response Behaviors to Particulate Matter-A Case Study of Seoul in Korea 버전
성과형식 연구기관 연락처 mijeongkim@hanyang.ac.kr
다운로드 링크
URL 연결
성과구성 Abstract
This study is interested in understanding the particulate matter perceptions and response behaviors of residents. The purpose of this study was to identify indoor air quality along with the response behaviors of residents in Seoul, to ascertain whether there is a difference in behaviors when particulate matter is present, according to the characteristics of residents and to grasp the nature of this difference. A questionnaire survey of 171 respondents was conducted. The questionnaire measured the indoor air quality perceived by residents, the health symptoms caused by particulate matter, residents’ response behaviors to particulate matter and the psychological attributes affecting those response behaviors. Residents of Seoul were divided into college students in their twenties, male workers in their thirties and forties and female housewives in their thirties and forties. The data were calibrated by SPSS 23 using a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and multiple regression analyses. The results show that most people found particulate matter to be an important problem but were unable to do sufficient mitigation action to prevent its presence. Residents showed greater psychological stress resulting in difficulty going out than physical symptoms. The most influential factor on response behaviors was psychological attributes. Participants were aware of the risks of particulate matter but believed it to be generated by external factors; thus, they felt powerless to do anything about it, which proved to be an obstacle to response behaviors.
사용주체 사용단계

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